xExchange Farms (Energy DAO)


xExchange is the DEX that launched on MultiversX, offering AMM style Liquidity Pools and swap for users.


xExchange Farms get to enjoy the following JewelSwap Farm Types:

(Optimized Farming and Leveraged Farming are not possible due to xExchange's design as of today)

Farm rewards, which xExchange pays out in xMEX tokens, minted in the form of JWLXMEX and given to the user (claimable).

xExchange offers boosted yields for users that own enough xMEX (xMEX = locked MEX). Because JewelSwap owns a lot of xMEX (due to the JWLMEX and JWLXMEX derivative) it can offer higher APYs to it's users.


For a UI walkthrough of how to use the farms, check out the tutorial.


For fee information, check out the fee table.

Last updated