
JWLBTC is a derivative token that can be minted using BTC.

JWLBTC can make use of POL by minting 1.1 JWLBTC per deposited BTC. This does not mean JWLBTC is not 1:1 backed. JWLBTC is 1:1 backed. Please read up on how POL works, what it does, and how the backing is ensured.


Staking JWLBTC on JewelSwap will give the user more JWLBTC.

Rewards are paid multiple times per day.


Rewards for JWLBTC staking stem from these sources:

  • The BTC deposited by users is deployed into Hatom and JewelSwap Money Markets (and collateral activation if possible) to generate yield.


Unstaking JWLBTC can happen immediatelly. JWLBTC can be unstaked without lockup.


You can swap JWLBTC at varying market rates on Ashswap. If the price of JWLBTC is below it's intrinsic value, it may make sense to arbitrage the price difference.


JWLBTC is redeemable 1:1 for BTC.

Redeeming JWLBTC for BTC takes 10 days (unbonding time).

Last updated